Art Is Our Joy!, 2022 &
Path To Studio ARTES, 2024
Sydenham, Sydney
Studio ARTES is a support studio that provides creative arts and life skill programs and support for adults with disability.
I was asked to come on board as lead artist and collaborate with the studio’s artists to create a mural that was painted on the outside of their studio.
The mural was created in two parts. The short side wall called Path to Studio ARTES was completed in 2022. The mural on the front of the building called Art is our JOY! was completed in 2024.
The mural designs are made up of artworks created by the studio members through workshops. The artists were also apart of the painting process. Creating opportunities for the artist to gain professional experience in mural design, projecting onto walls and painting.
Both murals incorporate 25 artists work in each. And the project was funded by the Inner West Councils Perfect match Street Art Program.